Tuesday, 13 November 2012


I experimented some fight/action scenes from the movie Kill Bill I found helpful. There  were some amazing choreography in the film that seemed very intense to watch but overall AMAZING!
Video LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VqEv4NcYSQ&feature=related

This fight scene was very hardcore and full on. I like the directors eye for props and environment.

The scene I was interested in was a bloody fight scene that studied for its use of camera angles and shots. I like how the cameras seemed to be everywhere in the scene.

worms eye-view

birds eye-view

wide shot with the subject in foreground

another worms eye-view

MATERIALS & PROCESSES - Expendables Reseach!

I watched this film and was really inspired by it! some the scenes I studied for my experiments. first scenes were the melee combat scenes/fight scenes then I tried experimenting with props such as guns and other weapons.

heres one of the scenes I really liked and used as reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsTxhlHA844

I also watched an actual behind the scenes of a real fight scene starring legendary WWE/WWF wrestler  and actor Steve Austin and Actor, screen writer, film maker/director Sylvester Stallone.

Monday, 12 November 2012

MATERIALS AND PROCESSES! The Bourne Research and Experiment!

                I experimented with my idea and so I shot a lot of footage from it. BOURNE STYLE!
                                                                         work images

              now this is what im talking about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJoVljaZP0k

I have already watched some of the Bourne movies and a couple of clips on youtube and so I studied them on how they shot, directed and more. The first scene I experimented with was the fight scenes. 
                                             (all footage will be stored in flash drive)

Gun Fire/Shooting EXPERIMENT!


Sniper Scoping EXPERIMENT!

In most of the experiments I worked with contained some special effects needed and so I used the Adobe After Effects software to apply the effects into my experiments. I also watched tutorials on youtube and subscribed many After Effects FREAKS!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

IDEAS AND RESPONSES! COUNTER 656 production (Director John Huang)

Counter 656 production belongs to a Taiwan man name John Huang. I found his videos on youtube about stop motion animations using action figurines and special effects using a type of software maybe Adobe After Effects I'm guessing. His videos really inspired me and it helped me alot on what I wanted my final project to be based on. I am someone who is seriously into action and violence but also humorous in many ways. So my plan is to kind of show action together with a HUGE sense of humour. Huang has many videos that show that so therefore I will post up screenshots and links of videos I used as reference. LINK to his blogger: http://counter656-productions.blogspot.co.nz/

                                            Street Fighter stop motion RYU vs KEN!
              VIDEO LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nraSI-uaDX4&feature=relmfu

Hot Toys stop motion ( SPIDERMAN vs GREEN GOBLIN)

This one was also helpful, really good skills. His work is AMAZING!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

IDEAS AND RESPONSES! PES - stop motion ARTIST 1 (ideas & responses)

PES! I have been suggested this artist by one of my lecturers because he is linked to what im trying to work with. Stop Motion with ACTION involved. I've watched most of his stop motion videos and I really like the way his work all flows smoothly as if they were not taken by photos but video footage. His work process is amazing and so I tried to watch and study the way he works just by watching his videos.

The videos I have displayed were some videos from PES I found the most interesting and helpful.

                                                               KaBoom by PES                                                                                  LINK VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZeguaJzUyk&feature=plcp

Western Spaghetti by PES


Bacardi Train by PES

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


The Va is pretty much Space except its different to what most people think space is. The VA is a space that is also a connection,it’s invisible,it`s the space that relationships between people occupy. Mostly the Va is A Pacific Islander idea and is thought of in our culture but we`re not the only ones who think about this type of space.


I think Abstraction is pretty alright,its not really what I like to do but if some people like it then I think that’s good. Personally I find some Abstract works a bit boring apart from the ones that are filled with bright colours and crazy shapes, I think these works show passion and creativity a little bit more than the minimilist abstraction types of works.I think people who don’t like making or looking at realist works would love abstraction .